If you use the D&D5e rules to play in the WarCraft universe, here is a character available.
You have the English text on the left (on computer) and the French translation on the right.
“Smoochy” Pindrop
Gnome rogue from Gnomeregan level 1
- Armor classe 13 (Leather)
- Hit Points 8 (1d8)
- Speed 25 ft.
- Strength 8 (-1)
- Dexterity 15 (+2)
- Constitution 11 (+0)
- Intelligence 14 (+2)
- Wisdom 14 (+2)
- Charisma 13 (+1)
- Skills Acrobatics +4, Stealth +4, Sleight of Hand +4, Insight +4, Persuasion +3
- Senses Darkvision 60 ft., Passive perception 12
- Alignment Neutral
- Languages Common, gnome
Background: Guild artisan
She was only a little curious and kleptomaniac at first. After the poisoning of Gnomeregan, she found herself trapped inside the city. She was able to reach the clean area where, more or less by chance, she was chosen as a retriever of various tools and gadgets, always deeper into the irradiated city. Over several years, she became particularly skilled at these types of missions. Finally out of Gnomeregan, she is looking to make a living, perhaps by offering her services to a group of adventurers? Or simply to go on an adventure herself?
Choiecheville dite “Fûté, l’bisou”
Roublard gnome de Gnomeregan niveau 1
- Classe d’armure 13 (Cuir)
- Points de vie 8 (1d8)
- Vitesse 7,5 m
- Force 8 (-1)
- Dextérité 15 (+2)
- Constitution 11 (+0)
- Intelligence 14 (+2)
- Sagesse 14 (+2)
- Charisme 13 (+1)
- Compétences Acrobatique +4, Discrétion +4, Escamotage +4, Perspicacité +4, Persuasion +3
- Sens Vision dans le noir à 18 m, Perception passive 12
- Alignement Neutre
- Langues Commun, gnome